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Have you encountered anti-Israel accusations and misinformation in your classroom or at work and wished you had the perfect answer? With AskIsrael, you do! Here you'll find effective, persuasively phrased answers to the most common arguments used against Israel. Educate both the misinformed as well as the more hostile anti-Israel individuals.


StandWithUs is an international education organization that ensures that Israel's side of the story is told in communities, campuses, libraries, the media, and churches through brochures, speakers, conferences, missions to Israel, and thousands of pages of Internet resources.

StandWithUs was founded in 2001 in response to the misinformation "that often surrounds the Middle East conflict and the inappropriate often anti-Semitic language used about Israel" and/or the Jewish people worldwide. StandWithUs has offices and chapters in Los Angeles, New York, Denver, Michigan, Chicago, Seattle, Orange County, San Francisco, Santa Cruz, the UK, Australia, and Israel.

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